Addicted To Craft!

I am totally addicted to all things crafty at the moment. I just can’t seem to get enough! From card making, to sewing, to cross stitch. I just want to make and create as much as I can. At the top of my list at the moment is sewing. I got a new sewing machine for my 30th birthday a few years ago and since then have only attempted to sew a few cushion covers and some tab top curtains. But recently this all changed when I discovered some lovely vintage material and a retro skirt at my Mum’s house. The skirt was unfinished, but wearable, and because I was so in love with it I just started wearing it. Then I decided to try my hand at replicating the skirt by drafting a pattern myself.

My sewing skills have a long way to go in terms of the neatness factor, but I haven’t been too worried as the skirts are for me (and I’m just chuffed to be wearing clothes I made myself). This new found passion has seen me try my hand at sewing a dress! This is still a work-in-progress!








Published by indie made

handmade in Australia